Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 12

Today's judgement day:

Day 12 food
Breakfast 370
2 eggs 140
Oatmeal 230

Protein shake 130




Day 12 exercise
40 min bball drills
2x10 calf raises 90lbs
50 crunches
2x10 legs on bench abs weighted
2x10 biceps
2x10 shoulders

Day 11 Exercise

with only 2 days left...i've decided to lose some water weight as this is probably the best way for the '6-pack' to be most visible...

(with winter clothing)
Intervals elliptical 25min
pullups 3 3 2
dips 10 10
Seated row 10
Back extensions 20
Upright row 10
Squats 10 10
One arm clean and jerk 2x10@35lbs
Dumbbell flyes 20
Run 5min
Bike 5min

Day 11 food

Banana 60

Lunch 700
Chicken cheese quesadilla 500
Fruits 200

Rice crackers 300

Sashimi 12 pieces 800

Protein shake 260
Cheese 70

total: 2190

Day 10 Food/Exercise

Day 10 food
Cereal and milk 250

Fish. Beans. Pasta. Coke slaw. Fruits. Lemonade. approx 1000

Rice crackers 150

Sashimi 13 pieces 800

total: 2200

Day 10 exercise
Heavy Sleep

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 9 Exercise

I started the day with a light warmup to jump start my metabolism....

after dinner, i did some hiit on the elliptical and some hanging leg extensions, followed by various exercises (focusing on targeting more muscle groups)

13min bike
3x50 abs
3x10 biceps
3x10 shoulders
3x20 Pushups

Evening (post feast)
40min elliptical hiit10sets lvl5.10.
2x10 hanging abs
2x10 side row
2x20 floor wipers at 50lbs
1x10 squats 50lbs
1x10 calf raises 50lbs
5x10 abs (legs on bench)
5x10 abs (legs on bench) w/ 25lb dumbell

Day 9 Food

I wanted to start out the day with a more balanced diet (some protein) so i cooked up some eggs. i also decreased the portion of cereal from the completely full bowl to around half of the bowl(less milk as well)....

i knew i would be eating a big dinner tonight (rng lounge is this chinese restaurant with a lot of fried, salty dishes so i planned on eating a lighter lunch....i had 20min to grab my lunch so i ate downstairs at the company cafeteria....the choices were some mexican dish(i don't really like mexican food) and some bbq chicken salad and garlic bread....i picked up the salad...i knew it would be higher in calories b/c of the dressing...but i didn't think it would be over 1000 calories!

before dinner, i decided to eat a little snack so i wouldn't be starving and eat everything at sight when i got to the restaurant. i was quite disciplined at dinner as i did not feel that stuffed at the end of the meal. i ended the day at around 3770 calories which is not bad (i feel that i eat approximately 3500 calories when i'm working out)

Banana 60

Breakfast 400
2 eggs 200
Cereal and milk 200

Lunch 1210
BBQ chicken salad

Rice crackers 100

RNG lounge 10course meal approx2000

total: 3770

Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 8 Exercise

Day 8 exercise
Hiit 40min run. 10sets 5mph. 10mph.
3x10 pullups assisted
3x10 dips
6x10 abs
6x10 obliques
3x10 back extension

Day 8 food

Cereal and milk 250

Plum 30

BBQ pork vermicelli 670

Plum 30

Sashimi 12 pieces 750

total: 1730

Days 5,6,7 Food and Exercise Log

vegas trip with college friends....i knew i would be eating a lot, but i'm surprised i think i managed to not stuff myself too daily intake totals were 4k, 5k, and 4k....which is pretty good.
i managed to thrown in a HIIT workout at the venetian gym....and some cards for pushups helped's going to be a tough last 4 days of working out...

Day 5 Food
Banana 60

Unagi and rice 600

Lunch 1095
Beef 300
Sashimi 300
Rice 300
Cucumber 30
Wasabi 20
Ginger 20
Miso soup 65
Edamame 60

Cheese quesadilla 350

Dinner 990
Superfood 260
Ham and cheese sandwich with dressing on wheat 730

Dinner 2: 1833
Patron 70
18oz sierra Nevada 300
2 pieces of bread 160
Max burger fries bacon ketchup 763 + 540 = 1303
Total: 4928

Day 5 Exercise
12min run
Abs 2x50
Biceps 5x10
Shoulders 5x10
Pushups from cards: 22. 4 w/ claps behind head. 36.

Day 6 Food
Kashi bar 150

Lunch 1170
Bread x2. Flat breadstick x2. 320
Red wine glass 130
Chicken 2 pieces 420
Potatoes 2 slices 70
Veggies 50
1.5 Small fruit tarts 230

Snack #2
Kashi bar 150

Snack #3 450
Buttered Popcorn 200
Chips 150
Beer-amstel light 100

Dinner approx 2310
Pampas Brazilian BBQ
Meat approx: 1500
Salad bar approx: 500
Sangria red 180
corona 130

Total: 4080

Day 6 Exercise
Bike HIIT 30min 9sets
5x10 dips
5x10 back extension
3x10 crunches with 6lb ball
2x10 Lat pull
Abs on back 55secs
Abs leg lifts 2x10
Abs on back 33secs
Calf raises 2x50
Pushups. 22. 17.

Day 7 Food
Morning Snack
Kashi bar 150

Brunch 2167
4 bacon 200
Sausage 80
Eggs 200
Omelette 600
Hash browns 450
Orange juice x2 220
Yogurt 170
Ketchup 10
Strawberries x4 16
Cantaloupe 2slices 35
Watermelon 2slices 86
Honeydew 2slices 58
Pineapple 2slices 42

Snack #2
Orange juice 110

Dinner 1670
Panini prosciutto mozzarella (oily as shit!)1020
Fresh cut fries 650

Total: 4097

Day 7 Exercise

3x20 Pushups
3x20 abs
3x20 squats
6x20 calf raises

Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 4 Exercise

Had an outdoor team event today from 1-4pm. ran around on a soccer field and got a little sun burned...

Bike 15min
Abs 2x50
Biceps 2x10
Shoulders 2x10

Ping pong

Day 4 Food

pre workout snack
banana 60

cheese quesadilla 250

lunch 1268 total

beef 230
chicken 266
fried plantain 152
beans 90
green leaves 30
rice 500

Snack #2
cheese quesadilla 250
beef jerky 200

dinner 1359 total

salad 178
miso soup 36
unagi 540
rice 500
vegetables 30
orange 75

total: 3387

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 3 Exercise

i tried some HIIT (high intensity interval training) today....after a 6 minute warmup on the elliptical machine i went all out for 15 seconds...then recovered until my HR was down to 120/min. i did 10 sets of this in 38min followed by a 7min cooldown...i feel quite energized now, but i know i need more sleep (yesterday i slept at 1am but woke up at 630am from soreness)

12min bike
Abs 82secs

Ping pong

45min elliptical HIIT 10sets
5x10 abs

Day 3 Food

today I knew I would be going to cafe mums, an all you can eat shabu shabu place, so I tried to limit my caloric intake earlier in the day. i found out that cherries are a pretty good snack that is affordable calorie wise. at cafe mums, i was quite impressed with is the first time ever i have walked out of that place w/o an exploding stomach...and damn...rice is a lot of calories...i usually have 4-5 bowls at mums...

Banana 60

1/4Togos roast beef turkey cheese 250

Snack #2
13 cherries 52

Lunch 778
Hot and sour soup 110
Beef and broccoli with brown rice 668

Snack #3
16 cherries 64

Cafe mums. 2335tot
12oz beef 863
Mushrooms 21
Tofu 93
Veggies 50
1.5 bowls rice 1028
Green tea ice cream 280

Total: 3539

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 2 Exercise

i decided to move to two workouts/day....after dinner i decided to get on the bike for a little bit which made it 3 workouts for today

Morning run
Run 21min
sitting on back abs 70secs

5min elliptical warmup
3x10 dips
3x10 pullups assisted
5x10 squats
5x10 deadlifts
5x20 weighted calf raises
5x10 chest press
5x10 hanging abs (leg lift and knee tuck from pullup/dip bar)

Post dinner
30min bike
40 Pushups
40 crunches
40 leg lifts/tucks

Day 2 Food

So today I wanted to make sure I had a decent breakfast to start out the day along with a little something before my morning run...i had a big lunch at work as well as a moderate dinner (even though it was 1207 calories! I realized that I easily consume 3 to 4 thousands calories on an average day.

Pre-morning run snack
1. banana (60 cal)

1. Togos quarter of roast beef turkey cheese sandwich (225cal)

Snack #2
1. Rice crackers, beef jerky (150cal)

Lunch BBQ: 1501tot
1. 2 ribs. (840cal)
2. Brownie. (243cal)
3. Salad. (181cal)
4. Scoop of Mashed potatoes. (237cal)

Snack #3 350tot
1. Tortilla (210cal)
2. 2 pieces of Cheese (140cal)

Dinner 1207tot
Rainbow roll 8 pieces 420
12 sashimi: 3x sake.246 Maguro183. Albacore.140 Kampachi.123
Soy sauce10
White threads

total: 3493cal

Monday, August 18, 2008

info on 12 day 6 pack challenge

day 0 photos posted

Day 1 Exercise

today i started with some cardio and some ab exercises...

10 min stair machine
10 min rowing
10 min treadmill
10 min ellpitical
6x10 ab exercises (leg lift and knee tuck from pullup/dip bar)
2x10 situps (note: i can't do situps b/c i have a protruding tail bone)
2x10 back extensions
2x10 bicep curls

Day 1 Food

After a weekend of eating almost everything in sight this is what i ate today....i am not sure about the exact amounts, but the calorie counts are approx...

1. cereal with milk (250 cal)

Snack #1
1. beef jerky
2. rice crackers
approx: 300 cal?

1. minestrone soup (300 cal)
2. turkey sandwich with cranberry jam (500 cal)

Snack #2
1. lychee jelly (25 cal?)

Snack #3
1. beef jerky
2. rice crackers
approx: 600 cal ??

1. half of a 9 inch turkey/roast beef/cheese sandwich from togo's (475 cal)

Snack #4
1. Some Ginseng Drink (35 cal)

Total: 2485 cal

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 0 Photos

HELP!! We need to do something!

It hurts mayn!!

Official Day 0 Photo

from fatman to 6 pack in 12 days...

in the next 12 days, i will be taking you through the journey of a fatman going from being pregnant to having a 6 pack...